The three lists correspond to chords I, IV, and V, for key of 'C4'.
The purpose of addChord is to add a chord I, IV, or V, randomly, with the condition that that we have a change in chord.
The function randint from the standard random module, will generate a random integer within the given limits, and including those limits, that is, randint(0,2) can result in 0, 1 or 2.
The global variable num contains the last value indicating which chord was added. That is, num = 0 (chord I), num = 1, (chord IV), or num = 2 (chord V).
After each time, addChord() function is called it will calculate a new_num which is the value of randint(0,2). If it happens to be the same as last value (num), new_num is calculated again. This loop continues until the new_num is different from num. Then new_num replaces the value of num.
From now on, I will use a key of 'C' for the writeMIDI function. In the piano roll, the key does not matter, only on the score so it can put the appropriate sharps and flats.
# Primary Triads in key of C
from writeMIDI import writeMIDI
from random import randint
# beats per minute
bpm = 130
tonic = ['C4','E4','G4']
subdominant = ['F4','A4','C5']
dominant = ['G4','B4','D5']
notes = []
start = -1
num = randint(0,2)
def addChord(n):
global num
global start
start += 1
print('num = {}'.format(num))
if num == 0:
for ch in tonic:
if num == 1:
for ch in subdominant:
if num == 2:
for ch in dominant:
new_num = randint(0,2)
while new_num == num:
new_num = randint(0,2)
num = new_num
for i in range(20):
A possible output might be:
num = 0
num = 1
num = 2
num = 0
num = 2
num = 1
num = 2
num = 0
num = 1
num = 0
num = 2
num = 1
num = 2
num = 1
num = 2
num = 0
num = 2
num = 0
num = 2
num = 0
This will generate this:
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